Saturday, November 19, 2016

Starting a New Journey

Starting a new journey can be scary.  It requires a shift in mindset and a strong why.  Beginnings are hard.  The unknown is scary.  But you have to ask yourself... if I don't start today, will I be happy with where I currently am being the same this time next year?

When Beachbody announced their newest program, I was not interested.  At all.  Mixed Martial Arts?  I'd never done that.  It didn't seem "intentional" enough.  I immediately decided it was not for me and that I would not be ordering it.  I continued on my way working through P90x3.  Then they offered a sneak peek.  So I tried it.  Amazing.  Parts of my body were sore than I didn't even know existed.  And that immediately told me I NEEDED to do this.  It was fun.  It was fast.  And it worked me.

So I committed.  My team committed.  Some women who follow me committed.  And we decided to do it as a true Test Group.  Measurements, pictures, meal plans... to a T.

So here are my before pics and my week one meal plan:

Thanks Erin for capturing these facial expressions!
So here's how Week One is laid out:
MMA Speed
Dynamic Strength
MMA Speed
Power Sculpt
MMA Shred
Dynamic Strength
Active Recovery

Let's break those down... MMA Speed and Shred are amazing Mixed Martial Arts inspired workouts.  You do things in 3 minute rounds with 30 second conditioning spikes inserted.  These workouts FLY by.  
Slashing Elbows, Double Jab, Cross

Day One:  MMA Speed, sped up!
Dynamic Strength takes you through some unique push ups, ab work and lower leg focused moves.  This one I have to really make myself do... because it's challenging.  But that's where the CHANGE happens.  I have found pockets of enjoyment haha
Can't forget the daily bedtime stretch routine where Joel and Jericho are in their pj's too :)

So here we are... just finished Day Six.  I took my measurements this morning and was blown away.  Down 2.6 pounds and 2.5 inches!!!  I lost a half inch off my chest, waist and each thigh!  I also lost a quarter inch off both arms!  I attribute it to my meal plan, these amazing workouts, and the nutrition supplements I have been using:  Shakeology, Energize and Recovery.  And drinking over 100 ounces of water a day!

I am about to do my week two meal plan--the workouts ramp up so I get to add an extra fruit this week--my heart is so happy!  Kara has watched me do at least the endings to every single workout this week!  Can't wait for week two!  Interested in joining me?  
Turkey Chili
Energy and Muscle Recovery are Necessary
Shakeology daily since 2014!

The Scale is Liar

Last year I was at my lowest weight in like forever... down to a size 6 jeans from a size 16 in 2014.  I was feeling great... seeing muscles in my stomach I never thought I'd see.  Then I began birth control... enter a 15 pound spike in my weight.  Total momentum killer.  I was angry.  I was frustrated.  And nothing I did seemed to matter.  I began to let my eating slowly slip back into bad habits.  Soda more than once a day.  El Charros on Fridays.  Something else on Saturdays.  DQ Blizzards.

My workouts never slipped.  But the nutrition plays a bigger role and I was actively undoing all my hard work on the regular.  Something had to give.  I committed to 22 Minute Hard Corps in March and stuck with it.  I was better about nutrition but still had my treats and Friday nights out.  My weight did not budge.  But my pants began to fit better... weird.

I decided to follow 22 Minute Hard Corps with 21 Day Fix Extreme and then P90x3.  And one day, I looked in the mirror and saw a different body than the one I was beginning to hate last winter.  

Scale was the same.  Same pants size.  But a different body.  I was building muscle.  Thank goodness I didn't give up. Thank goodness I had the support of an online fitness community.  Thank goodness I was reading and listening to personal development.  Thank goodness I was working out for more than just that red glowing number.  

I am the same weight basically in the second and fourth pictures.  I weigh less in the 3rd.  But I'd take the fourth pic any day.  The scale doesn't measure progress in a way that we think it does.  It doesn't tease out fat versus muscle.  It just doesn't.  

Do it for the right reasons and the scale won't matter.  Do it for the right reasons and the progress will show.