I have been out of high school for 13 years now... holy crap. That was hard to type :) High school was a fun time, but also a time of a lot of tough stuff for me. I know high school isn't a cake walk for most people, so I want to take some time to put it all out there so you can begin to understand where I started... and how I got here.
You guys see my highlight reel on a day to day basis. If we've never met, don't hang out or work together, you only see my high points--the stuff I want you to see. Heck, even if we are close, there are things I'm sure you don't know.
Some essentials needed to survive high school: A best friend (like in the whole wide world), the 'right' clothes, play sports or be involved in the FFA/Drama/Band or a combination of those things, and THICK skin.
I had a best friend. And I developed thick skin. I had to. My best friend since kindergarten wore all the right things, said all the right things and everyone adored her. She was the 'hot' girl. I was the funny girl. I didn't live in the 'right' neighborhood or have the 'right' circle of friends. I wanted desperately to be in the 'cool' crowd.... desperately. To this day, I still think I'm the reason that kept her out of the cool crowd. I was slightly overweight and had left softball in the past due to the politics that surrounded Little League softball (I didn't come from the 'right' family to make travel ball or anything like that--even though I know I had the skills). My hair was naturally wavy which never did what I wanted it to do. My humor saw me through.
I got to hear almost daily how pretty my best friend was. Did I have friends? Yes... most were the most awesome loving people I've ever met. Others were those I wanted desperately to be friends with. So much that the incessant chants of "Chewbacca" (because of my hair) were let go.
So why is this significant? I was able to get by. I got pretty decent grades and made it out relatively unscathed. I ended up dating guys that went to other high schools because I wasn't in the 'in' crowd at mine. I ended up pouring myself into my after school job, that ended up being a 40 hour job, while still in school. I developed a work ethic like no other. This focus got me to where I am today.
So fast forward to today. The best friend since Kindergarten... well I haven't spoken to her in almost 9 years. I can't tell you what she's doing or how she's doing. The people who were my friends, real friend, in high school I try to keep in touch with, but it's getting tougher. And that girl who was overweight with crazy hair? Now gets herself up every morning at 4:30 to work out and then spends 30+ minutes flat ironing her hair.
don't want apologies.
Please hear that.
I don't.
I don't want sympathy.
I'm simply here to show you that the things that you experience in life are there for a reason. I am still a huge people pleaser. Before I post anything on social media, the thought crosses my mind
"What will people think?" I still want so badly to impress those kids from high school who were so cool. I want to wear the right things and say the right things.... But this past year has changed me.
I am no longer the girl who disguises who she is when she's around others. It may take me a while to warm up... but once I'm warm, you get it all. I work with some of the most amazing people I've ever met and at no point have I ever felt judged for being me. I'm also more willing to share what I've been through, regardless of what others think. Because I've had the fortune of knowing what it can mean to that ONE person who can relate.
I also want to be a model of strength and hard work for my daughter. I had it modeled for me... and I sure as hell am going to model it for her. I want her to have a healthy self-esteem, feed her body with knowledge and good food, and know that she is
enough. I want her to rely on her work ethic and sense of self to propel her through life.
...and, if she inherits my hair, maybe a good flat iron...