Sunday, June 14, 2015

Doing it for my kiddo

No one loves the pool on a hot day more than me.  I love a good tan.  I love the smell of chlorine.  I love it all.

I know tons of friends who have so many bathing suits, they require their own drawer in their house.  So why am I lucky to find ONE I only marginally hate?  Why am I the one who spends one entire day of vacation scouring the beach shops for a new tankini because I hate the way my current one makes me look?

Yes, I wasted an entire day of Kara's first beach trip looking for a new bathing suit.  I didn't spend it playing with my one year old.  No I spent it in almost tears, full of anxiety and disgust.  That was July 2013.  July of 2014 was better.  I spent the beach time on the beach playing.  I even ventured out in my sister's bikini top.... For one day... And that day I didn't leave my chair.

2015 will be different.  I've worked hard for my confidence.  I've changed my mindset.  I've decided Kara will have a mommy that is fun and displays confidence.  I bought a bikini and it's the only one that fits--all other bottoms fall off.  

To test my confidence, I ventured to the local public pool this week.  I felt fine!!  

My words to you... Make the pool and beach time fun!  Show your kids what means the most... Them!  Your kids think you are beautiful regardless.  And if you aren't there yet, I'm here to help.  I'm not looking for a bikini competition body (I like El Charros too much haha).  I still have a baby pooch.  I still have my tiger stripes.  But I've worked had to get here and my stomach WILL get a tan this year and Kara WILL see her mommy display confidence!

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