Sunday, May 8, 2016

8 Weeks Later.... 22 Minute Hard Corps CRUSHED

When I first heard about this program, I just knew I had to have it.  No nonsense, functional fitness.  Some people like to dance.... I get it.  This girl looks like a baby giraffe and can't get down like that.  If my butt is going to burn, I want to be able to pinpoint the exact move that made it that way.  Boot camp style.  Tony Horton.  22 minutes... saaaaaaayyy whaaaaattt???
So so so excited to get my hands on this!

I had an amazing group of women doing this with me.  One even joined as a coach during the 8 weeks!  Lots of laughs.  Lots of cussing the same exercises.  Lots of admissions of poor food choices.  But not one single workout missed.  Not a one.  We even did Hell Week.
Dang it!
I will admit that the inches didn't fall off like I'd hoped.  I threw my scale away so I have no idea what changed in that department.  But I was getting stronger.  I went from 3 pound weights.  To 5 pounders... to 8s by the end.  I was able to keep up with the crew during gorilla crawls and mountain squats by the end.  And mountain climbers got easier.  But this program made me feel many emotions...
But I am thrilled with my results.  I am thrilled that I hung in there for 8 weeks.  My body is tighter, and my endurance is high.  I asked my body to do things I'd never dreamed it would--like 82 burpees within 22 minutes mixed with other cardio hell.  I am beyond proud of myself.  And this has been my biggest accomplishment.... my arms....
If you are considering a program, I'd love to help you find the right fit.  I'm off to bed now... I begin the 21 Day Fix tomorrow for the 4th or 5th time!

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